
Sunday, 5 October 2008

Creative Challenge day 4

For my 4th day during this Creative Challenge, I decided to do an Art Journal page about it.

The text reads:
'A few days ago I started something called The 21 Day Creative Challenge. I had read about it on a few different blogs. The idea is that it takes 21 days to create a new habit. And because I find myself thinking and dreaming and planning and not much time actually creating even though I like myself much better when I get my bum in the chair and paint or draw or write. So now, for 21 days straight, I will sketch, doodle, write, paint, crochet, (art) journal, photograph... Anything creative counts. This is day 4 of 21 days. I can do it.'

And hey, who says fish can't have a nose and hair?

(For more pictures, go to my Flickr page, and don't forget to leave a comment!)

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