
Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Guerilla promotion

'Guerilla art' is art you leave in public places for other people to find. According to Kerri Smith it is 'a fun and insidious way of sharing your vision with the world. It is a method of art making which entails leaving anonymous art pieces in public places. It can be done for a variety of reasons, to make a statement, to share your ideas, to send out good karma, or just for fun.

You could use the principles of guerilla art for promotion.

Today, I read about a Dutch woman who put free buttons with her shop logo all over Amsterdam, making it look like billboards and posters were wearing her buttons. Such a great idea.

As much as I like sending off business cards to people asking for promo's, or handing them out, there's something much more fun about being 'sneaky' and secretive.

I think we can learn a lot from those million dollar ad campaignes. You know the ones: first you see billboards all over town that don't tell you what they are about, but you see them so often you're starting to wonder what it's all about. And then, after a few weeks, you get your answer....

Maybe you can do the same on a smaller scale. Be a mystery. Put art work out in the real world and see if people are taking it, and then go from there.

I'm getting all excited just thinking about it.

Wish I could get my super chalks out (not right now of course,it's pouring down and besides, it's 1 am here in the UK....)

Please share your guerilla promotion stories! I'd love to hear them!

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